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The Farallones Rural Center, an even larger and more complex project initiated by the Institute in western Sonoma County, further reduced the funds and administrative effort demanded by the IUH. The goal was to inject ecological consciousness and energy efficiency into the routines of domestic life. The building that would become the Integral Urban House was a dilapidated Victorian cottage most recently used by the City of Berkeley as a drug rehab center. It was adjacent to a stretch of mixed run-down industrial buildings and low-income, predominantly Black residences that had been targeted by the city for redevelopment. But the back-to-the-land movement was also escapist, evading responsibility for reforming the nation’s ecological crisis at its source. On the Berkeley campus of the University of California, a team of students and young faculty members would attempt to transplant communal modes of ecological living into an urban context.
The Integral Urban House remained in operation for over a decade – a respectable lifespan for a grassroots experiment in alternative living. As time wore on, the IUH confronted multiple operational problems and eventually had to close. Sometimes these large items get moved around and aren’t always put back safely. Many of these plants were saved from the landfill or dropped off by customers!
Advanced Topics in Urban Studies [1-4]†Courses taken to fulfill the upper division capstone experience requirement may not also be used to fulfill this Urban Studies core requirement. Courses used to fulfill upper division requirements may not simultaneously fulfill the breadth requirements. The house was typically occupied by a handful of students from the University of California, Berkeley, employed as interns, who would be responsible for maintaining the house’s systems and documenting successes, failures, and challenges.

A beehive, chicken coop, and rabbit pen to provide honey, eggs, meat, and manure fertilizer completed the edible landscape. In an integral house, each major functional system employs multiple pathways for material and energy flow. The heating system, for example, includes direct solar gain through windows, a solar air space heating system, and a wood stove space heater for cloudy, cold days. Human fecal matter decomposes in the Clivus Multrum and, when fully decomposed, is used as a soil amendment on ornamentals. Kitchen scraps are fed to the chickens where they are converted into edible protein and eggs, and the chicken manure is recycled in the garden. Garbage can also be composted or fed to worm cultures, which make a nutrient-rich casting for garden use .
A minimum grade point average of 2.0 must be maintained in upper and lower division courses used to fulfill the major requirements. Courses taken to fulfill lower division major requirements may also be used to fulfill seven-course breadth. All lower division courses taken in fulfillment of major requirements must be completed with a grade of C- or better. By 1984, the Integral Urban House project was permanently suspended, as its creators admitted that it had failed to gain more public support.

3 Graduate-level CY PLAN courses may be approved to satisfy the core requirement. The backyard of the present-day Integral Urban House, taken on June 27, 2014. Zillow Group is committed to ensuring digital accessibility for individuals with disabilities. We are continuously working to improve the accessibility of our web experience for everyone, and we welcome feedback and accommodation requests. If you wish to report an issue or seek an accommodation, please let us know.
College Requirements
On the weekdays, the house could be booked for private tours by schools and other organizations. A self-guided tour booklet by Helga Olkowski gave homesteading tips and further references. (A short video ‘tour’ can be watched here.) As a pedagogical tool, these tours not only oriented visitors to the IUH, but also provided them with the knowledge needed to replicate the resource-saving design features in their own homes. As a “living laboratory,” the Integral Urban House was more than a site of experiments in sustainable design. It was also a public showcase for systems and practices of urban self-reliance that never before had been attempted at such a scale and in such detail.

Rather than confining someone to a slaughterhouse for eight hours a day as an occupation, you might better handle the job yourself. The principal reasons for raising small stock are to obtain high-quality protein for human consumption in the form of meat and eggs, and manure to use in composting and ultimately in the garden as fertilizer, as well as for pleasure or recreation. Additional benefits are obtaining rabbit pelts or wool , and the satisfaction of knowing that the meat you eat is relatively free of the pesticides and hormones frequently used in commercial livestock production. Berkeley Connect pairs undergraduate students with graduate student mentors. The fundamental principles of research project design, scheduling, and execution, as well as exposure to a variety of methodological approaches using visual, cartographic, quantitative and qualitative data sources. Devising policy and practical solutions to address borderland planning problems.
Field Studies in City and Regional Planning
From its composting toilet and solar-powered water heater to its bee hives, rabbit pens, and vegetable gardens, the IUH offered an ecologically sustainable model of “urban homesteading” and an alternative to the middle-class dream home. In addition to difficulty in finding the necessary labor to maintain the house, the neighborhood around the house began to experience widespread gentrification by the early 1980s. New residents complained about the smells from composting, the disturbance from animals that were still at the house, and the amount of flies that the house naturally attracted. A 2004 article from the San Francisco Chronicle claims that others even stated that the whole building smelled like the composting toilet. The book contains chapters devoted to energy conservation, water conservation, waste management, using solar energy, raising plants and animals, and combining these features together. One of the most notable features of the Integral Urban House was the amount of animals that were kept outside the house, including bees, fish, chickens, and rabbits.

These include practice-oriented fields such as urban planning, law, non-profit management, and public policy as well as research-oriented fields such as geography, sociology, and anthropology. Above all, the intent of the major is to produce urban citizens and global leaders. In order to sustain the high amounts of food production at the house, kitchen wastes, weeds, plant debris, and animal manure were composted into soil.
The course covers issues of development and urbanization from the era of colonialism to the era of contemporary globalization. Themes include modernization, urban informality and poverty, transnational economies, and the role of international institutions and agencies. The Departments of Architecture, City and Regional Planning, and Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning each sponsor lecture series which offers students the opportunity to hear internationally-acclaimed speakers.

In wake of the crisis, the Farallones Institute envisioned a house that could provide its own food and energy in case gasoline, electricity, and natural gas were ever expected to become scarce and unaffordable. The term “integral urban house” was chosen as the name of the project as the institute wanted to provide a house that integrated biological ideas with architectural ones. In order to conserve building materials, promote recycling habits, and to demonstrate that similar projects could be conducted elsewhere at a lower cost, the project’s founders opted to renovate an existing house instead of building a new house from the ground up. Introduction to political, economic and social issues involved in theory and practice of community economic development. Focus on national economic and social policies, role of local community economic development corporations , resolution of conflicts between private-sector profitability and public sector accountability through critical use of the planning process.
Helga Olkowski helped found Antioch College West, an alternative college in San Francisco focused on landscape design and ecosystem management. So many people wanted copies that the class bound and sold them to raise money for its final group project, a scaffold-like installation called The Energy Pavilion. I am in the North Bay and am looking for someplace that will take rag quality fabric. My local Salvation Army and Goodwill cannot tell me if they are going to send things to the landfill . I am hoping to find somewhere that sends things to a rag recycling business.

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